Royal Household

About Their Majesties

His Majesty Ariston is an early 3rd century Macedonian of the Seleucid Empire (modernly from Syria to Afghanistan). His byname ‘Hegelochou’ means ‘vanguard’, a a name given to Him for his feats of cunning on the warfield. He was invited to knighthood by Jarl Niáll inn Orkneyski and Duchess Liadan ingen Fheradaig and knighted by Kinggiyadai Noyan and Altani Khalighu Bekhi in AS 49. His focus in the society is Successor era Greek and Macedonian history and enjoys heavy fighting, the creation of armor, period games, and has a particular interest in cultural history.

Her Majesty Lilavati is an early 3rd century Indian of the Mauryan Empire (modernly Pakistan and Northern India). Metoike means ‘foreigner’, a name She took after Her marriage to Ariston caused Her to move to the foreign lands of the Greeks. Her interests are in historical attitudes to and practise of magic and spirituality on the Ancient world, Ancient Indian cultural history, and original research. In the Society, She enjoys running tourney lists and meeting people of a variety of different interests and specialties.

They both love ancient period food (Hellenistic, classical, Roman, Indian, Persian, etc.) and are always willing to branch out and try new things. Unfortunately Her Highness is very allergic to mint, and cannot drink wine.

The theme for Their reign is in keeping with the Successor Era Empires (the empires that arose after the death of Alexander the Great), and the colours of the royal Household will be purple and gold. However, Their Highnesses want to celebrate the diversity that is the SCA, and as such  want to see the best of what your interests inspire you to be and create.

Royal Court

Basilikos Grammateus (Chamberlain)

Anna von der Ron (Email)

Hazarapatish (Head of Household):

Safiya bint al Shadid

Royal Advisors

Phile (Royal artisans)

Somatophylake (Bodyguards)

Mistress Clara van der Maes Theodulf Audax Heinrich Eberhart von Thorn
Master Caleb Adolphus Solbjorg Viss Andreas Reinhardt
Jarl Alfar of Attica Iago (of Agaricus) Matthijs Tjepke van der Horst
Countess Angharat Benbras Marie l’Enchantee Felix Terrible
Altani Khalighu Bekhi Gabriel van Dorne Kaeso Flavius Artorius Gladius
Kinggiyadai Noyan Helia de la Vega Vladimir Ivanovich Kurgan
Trica Ludwig Gavriil Slotkovich
Sophia van Dorne Luan an Fael
Jeneur le Geline Jochen Schwalbe
Otto Sexburger
Nikephoros Gorgonites